Appropriate Attitude In Burmese Pagodas
During Burma tours, many tourists want to visit the pagodas of the country. However, choosing an outfit and having good attitude to visit the temples of Myanmar is not so simple and requires a number of criteria that travelers should take note of. Discovering the exceptional beauty of the Golden Temple Country while respecting Burmese culture will ensure you a fun and unforgettable trip to Myanmar.

Entering the temples in Myanmar - Watch out for outfits
Leave out your shoes and socks when you visit temples, pagodas or the places where you do not get in with your shoes. You will need to follow the instructions of local guides to know where to leave your shoes. The instructions on clothes are the first ones when you go to the temples in Myanmar.
You are allowed to wear your outside areas, such as temple gardens, but they are not allowed inside. The same rule applies to pagodas.
According to Burmese culture, tourists are also advised to remove shoes before entering the Burmese’s houses; however, they are allowed to wear socks.
You should wear shoes or sandals that are easy to remove and do not forget to bring wet wipes to wipe your feet before putting on your shoes. The people of Myanmar often wear flip-flops, slippers or sandals as a part of their daily outfits for this reason.
Entering the temples in Myanmar
- When you give money, gifts or anything to someone else, you have to do with your right hand or with both hands to show respect and politeness.
- In some numbers of temples or pagodas in Myanmar, especially in sacred places, women are forbidden to enter. You will then have to check with the local guides to make sure you are well positioned. Women also should not sit on the roof of a car or the roof of a house, the roof of a ship, etc because that means sitting on the heads of others. Women are not allowed to touch or shake hands of monks. During your tours in Burma, if unfortunately you touch the monk without doing it on purpose, you will have to apologize to him as he will probably feel guilty. In Burma, only men can become monks.
If you are wearing traditional Myanmar costumes, you will need to wear high-collar clothing. Neither should you show your belly, bare breasts without bra.
You will also have to wear trousers and a long-sleeved shirt when visiting the temples of Myanmar.
By respecting Burmese culture, you will avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and your Myanmar travel will be more exciting.
Myanmar travel- Practical advice
• Light clothing that can be worn for a long time. The best options are jeans and cotton t-shirts, and lightweight clothes. .
• Shoes: Lightweight, easy to remove
• Hats, umbrella
• Lightweight disposable waterproof raincoat which is easy to carry
• Suitable dress for the trip to the Golden Rock
• Lightweight jacket
• Lightweight sweater with a high collar
• Scarf
• Warm clothing for nights
• A medium-sized lightweight backpack to bring enough clothes for two days-one night at the Golden Rock, the rest of your outfits must be left at your car at the foot of the mountain.
• Individual snacks
• Sunscreen, anti-mosquito cream
• Personal medications: abdominal pain medications, cold medications, essential oil, and medications for your condition, if any. Myanmar is a less advanced country so most drugs are imported.
Myanmar is considered a sacred land of Buddhism. Indeed, the country fascinates us with its thousands of temples and pagodas. Knowing what to wear in these spiritual places is a way to show respect to the people of Myanmar while admiring the beauty of Burmese culture. Your tours in Burma will be an unforgettable experience.